Ahmad Khairuddin Abdul Rahim (Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Malaysia)
He is currently the Executive Director, Manufacturing Development (Resource) of the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), a Government agency that drives investments into the manufacturing and services sectors in Malaysia. His portfolio covers three (3) industries namely Chemical and Advanced Materials, Food Technology and Sustainable Resources and Life Sciences and Medical Technology.
He holds a Masters Degree in International Business and started his career with MIDA in 1991. Since joining MIDA, he had served in several divisions in MIDA. He was also involved in various projects on industrial development, such as the formulation of the Third Industrial Master Plan, Green Technology Master Plan and the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (2016-2020) and a Secretariat to the Malaysian Logistics Council. Currently, he is a member to the Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for three (3) high potential growth industries namely Chemical & Advanced Materials, Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals; among the prominent subsectors in Eleventh Malaysia Plan. |
Murni Ali (NanoMalaysia Berhad, Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel Workshop 4: Funding and Infrastructure Support |
Vice President of National Graphene Action Plan 2020 Office. Ms. Murni received her Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Degree from UPM and Master of Business Administration in International Business from University of East London, United Kingdom. With more than 10 years' experience in the field of Business Development and Marketing, she is currently heading the National Graphene Action Plan 2020 Office.
Ms. Murni brings diversified experiences in operations and managerial functions of the Business Development and Marketing fields. Well defined understanding of the business-technology interface and capacity to identify and align clients' emerging technology needs with products and services, she has been involved in various business-development disciplines underscores expertise in engaging decision makers and devising winning sales strategies and solutions exercises. |
Razif Abdul Aziz (Cradle Fund Sdn. Bhd. , Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel Workshop 4: Funding and Infrastructure Support |
Mr. Encik Razif Abdul Aziz serves as Chief Operating Officer at Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd since January 2016. Previously, he joined Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation (BiotechCorp) in 2006. Mr. Aziz served as the Chief Operating Officer of Malaysian Genomics Resource Centre Berhad since December 3, 2012. He is a Barrister-at-Law from Lincoln’s Inn, London (1992). Mr. Aziz holds a degree in Law from Coventry Polytechnic in 1991. |
Francesco Bonaccorso (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy)
Francesco Bonaccorso gained a PhD from the Department of Physics, University of Messina in Italy after working at the Italian National Research Council, the Engineering Department of Cambridge University (UK) and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Vanderbilt University (USA).
In June 2009 he was awarded a Royal Society Newton International Fellowship at the Engineering Department of Cambridge University, and elected to a Research Fellowship at Hughes Hall, Cambridge. In April 2014 He joined the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Graphene Labs. He was responsible in defining the ten years scientific and technological roadmap for the graphene flagship programme. His research interests encompass solution processing of carbon nanomaterials (such as graphene, nanotubes and nanodiamonds) and inorganic layered materials, their spectroscopic characterization, incorporation into polymer composites and application in solar cells, light emitting devices, lithium-ion batteries and ultrafast lasers. |
Chester Burtt (Grafoid Inc., Canada)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Applications of Graphene & Related Materials |
Chester Burtt is a Director of critical material developers Focus Graphite Inc. and Stria Lithium Inc. He also serves as Director of Strategic Development for Grafoid Inc, a global leader in graphene application development.
Mr. Burtt is President of Chester Burtt & Associates Ltd. (“CBAL”) a corporate and public affairs advisory firm that specializes in connecting private and public companies with domestic and international opportunities.
CBAL arranges for the provision and supply of financial services in mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures. Working through an international network and associate firms, CBAL has a 25-year history of offering a full range of services to assist companies with strategy development and decisions to best suit their investor and corporate relations.
Mr. Burtt graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario with an MA in Political Science and spent some 15 years working in the Canadian political arena.
Antonio H. Castro Neto (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Director, Centre for Advanced 2D Materials and Graphene Research Centre: “In just 4 years we have build in Singapore an internationally recognized research centre in the area of graphene and two-dimensional materials. Our Centre hosts more than 200 researchers, we have recruited top-notch researchers from the United States and Europe to Singapore, we have attracted more than S$ 200 M in funding, we have produced more than 70 invention disclosures, and we have build unique state of the art facilities to explore the science and technology of two-dimensional materials. Now we are looking for opportunities to transform all the intellectual property, technology, and know-how accumulated in the last few years into business opportunities that will open new markets, create new jobs, and generate wealth”.
Prof. Castro Neto has authored more than 200 manuscripts and has published in prestigious journals including Science, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, and Physical Review Letters, and has over 12,000 citations. Prof. Castro Neto has given more than 200 seminars worldwide. |
Antonio Correia (Phantoms Foundation, Spain)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Funding and Infrastructure Support |
Dr. Antonio Correia is the founder and President of the Phantoms Foundation & Doctor in Physics (Université Paris 7, France).
Has worked in France at the CNRS and the CSIC in Spain, both national research institutes.
Currently, he is president of the Phantoms Foundation, a non-profit organization created in November 2002 in Madrid organization, and:
- Coordinator of the Eureka Cluster on Graphene and 2d materials with the goal of generate close-to-market industry-driven R&D projects in an international framework
- Has been involved in more than 15 EU funded projects and author of more than 60 publications and book chapters.
- Coordinator of the nanoSpain and M4nano (nano for modelling) networks and of the nanotechnology plan for ICEX (Spain Trade & Investment).
- Chairman of major conferences such as Graphene conference Series, Graphene Malaysia, Graphene Canada, ImagineNano, Trends in Nanotechnology (TNT), nanoPT or nanoSpain.
- Coordinated the development of several national and European publications (reports, strategic agendas, roadmaps, prospective studies, etc ...), reports focusing on specific areas of interest to the community related to Nanoscinec and Nanotechnology (in particular in the field of graphene and 2D materials).
- Editor of the E-nano Newsletter publication (published three-monthly) and providing research highlights on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology. |
Pedro M. Da Costa (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Metrology, Characterization and Standardization |
Dr. Pedro M. F. J. Costa is an Assistant Professor at the Materials Science and Engineering Program of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal . Previously, he was a Junior Research Group Leader at UA while also holding a position as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the IFW-Dresden, Germany. Dr. Costa worked as a post-doctoral research associate at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan, and, before that, at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy of the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. He has been a short-term visitor on various occasions at IFW-Dresden, NIMS, Technical University of Denmark, Monash University (Australia), McMaster University (Canada) and University of Heidelberg (Germany). His graduate studies were carried out under the supervision of Prof. Malcolm L. H. Green FRS, at the Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, University of Oxford, United Kingdom. He is a member of various acknowledged scientific societies such as the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Microscopical Society and the Materials Research Society. He is (co-)author of numerous scientific papers and communications and a regular reviewer for major scientific journals in matters related to electron microscopy, carbon nanostructures and semiconductors. He has received several awards such as the Japan Carbon Award for Young Researchers and an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. . |
Pedro Gomez-Romero (ICN2 (CSIC-BIST), Spain)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Applications of Graphene & Related Materials |
Prof Pedro Gómez-Romero (BSc and MSc Universidad de Valencia, Spain. PhD in Chemistry, Georgetown University, USA, 1987, with Distinction). CSIC Researcher since 1990 (ICMAB, 1990-2007). Sabbatical as NATO Senior Research Fellow at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Golden, CO, USA, 1998-99). CSIC Full Research Professor (2006-) and Group Leader of NEO-Energy lab at CIN2 (CSIC) (2007-2013) now part of ICN2. Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Directs projects on hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructures, nanocomposite materials for energy storage and conversion (lithium batteries, supercapacitors, PEM FCs, solar-thermal energy, nanofluids, graphene). Vicedirector of MATGAS ( 2010-2014).
Author of 102 (ten to the two) scientific publications in refereed international journals. Scientific editor of the book “Functional Hybrid Materials” P. Gómez-Romero, C. Sánchez (Eds.) (Wiley-VCH 2004) and author of two award-winning popular science books (Metaevolución. La Tierra en el espejo, Celeste, 2001 and Un planeta en busca de energía, Síntesis, 2007). |
Shu-Jen Han (Nanoscale Science & Technology IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Dr. Shu-Jen Han is a manager and Research Staff Member at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He holds a Ph.D. in Materials Sci. & Eng. and Ph.D. minor in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University (2007), and a B.S. from National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan (1999).
His current research activities encompass the heterogeneous integration using low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials to develop novel nanodevices, for applications such as post-Si electronics, optoelectronics, plasmonics and biosensing. His group is recognized for demonstrating the world’s most advanced graphene circuit as well as the smallest carbon nanotube transistors that could outperform Silicon. He has authored or co-authored over 70 technical publications and his research has been featured by media including CNET, BBC, MIT Technology Review, New York Times, Washington Post, and Wall Street Journal. He holds over 100 US patents, and was appointed as IBM Master Inventor (2012, 2015). He also recevied IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards and IBM Research Division Award for his contributions in carbon nanoelectronics |
Azman Bin Hassan (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Metrology, Characterization and Standardization |
Azman Hassan is a Professor and currently serving as a Deputy Dean (Research and Innovations) in the Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). He is also serving as a UTM Senate member for the last six years. He started his career with UTM in 1984 and was appointed as a Professor in 2007. He received his PhD from Loughborough University (UK) in 1997. He was the Deputy Director (Research Publications) for Research Management Center from 2008 to 2011. From 2012 to 2013, he was the Director of Research Publications Center. He was the Head of Polymer Engineering Department from 2002 to 2008.
His area of research interests includes, polymer blends, thermal characterization, toughened polymers, natural fibres composites, graphene, nanocomposites and flame retardant polymers. At postgraduate level, he has supervised more than 25 PhD and 35 master’s students. He has published over 300 papers in journals and conferences proceeding and book chapters. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Malaysian Polymer Journal and Perintis eJournal. He has also been appointed as reviewer for more than 20 different journals. Prof Azman Hassan is the recipient of Best Presenter in “Thermal Analysis Conference”, Organised by Mettler Toledo Shah Alam (2004), and Excellent Service Award from UTM in 2002, 2005 and 2014. He was also appointed as the External Examiner for Polymer Engineering Programme at Universiti Malaysia Perlis and Polymer Technology Programme at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Besides that he was visiting professor to Qatar University and Libyan Macromolecular Centre. He was also a panel member for Malaysian Quality Assurance to evaluate various polymer/materials related programmes in TATI University College, UniKL, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, UiTM and Universiti Tun Hussin Malaysia. He has presented talk on how to get papers published in ISI journals to various universities in Malaysia and outside Malaysia. |
Kuan-Tsae Huang (AzTrong, USA/Taiwan)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Graphene Production |
Dr. Huang is an expert in Graphene and graphene commercialization in heat spreading, battery & supercapacitor, composites and other graphene applications. He had 20+ years working at IBM, was a Vice President, played a key role to help IBM successfully transformed into a global service company, in charge of e-commerce implementation, intellectual capital and asset Management, solution offerings, etc. He is an experienced business transformation and implementation consultant. Dr. Huang’s career included the President of National Taiwan Normal University; visiting faculty of several universities in Singapore, US and Taiwan; National Institute of Health, US, etc. He is also an experienced entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. Currently, he is the Chairman/CEO of AzTrong (Graphene & Applications), Senior Advisor to Ditthavong & Steiner patent law firm, Ditthavong & Steiner, Chairman of Taskco e-Business Corporation.
Dr. Huang won several awards, including IBM Corporate Excellence Award, Gold Medal of Giga Information Award, LAUNCH Award -- Top 10 Energy Innovators by US Department of State, NASA, USAID and NIKE. He graduated in mathematics from National Taiwan Normal University, University of Illinois, and electrical engineering and computer science from MIT. |
Amiruddin Kemat (Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV), Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Funding & Infrastructure Support |
Amiruddin Kemat is the Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning Division of Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad (MDV).
The Corporate Planning & Communications Division core functions are to oversee Corporate Affairs & Development and Marketing & Communication. The principal activities encompass corporate planning; new product development; enhancing product offerings and service improvements; strengthening stakeholder and partner relations; maintaining close rapport with government ministries & agencies, financial and technical partners; Administer Syariah Compliance Policy & Framework; assessment of processes and methodologies; development and implementation of communications programmes to enhance corporate branding awareness & positioning and undertake corporate finance activities in terms of structuring and negotiations of convertible loan and financing deals.
He is a graduate of University of Alabama, USA and obtained his degree in Bachelor of Science & Business Administration majoring in Corporate Finance & Investment Management. He has over 15 years of broad-based management and extensive business development experience in various industries. His credentials also include more than 10 years in the financial institutions undertaking credit evaluation, business development and structuring credit facilities for the SMEs.
He was previously with PBA Holdings Bhd (PBAHB) undertaking responsibilities on enhancing business network, strengthening stakeholder relations, identifying business opportunities, ensuring good corporate governance and overseeing the group risk management plan. His scope of work also expanded after being appointed as the Risk Management Committee Chairman of PBAHB group who leads and facilitates the implementation of risk management plan holistically.
Prior to this, he was the Business Development Manager of IFS Capital (M) Sdn Bhd which is responsible in building up revenue channels covering credit assessment, business development and identifying business potential and target sectors. |
Krzysztof Koziol (FGV Cambridge Nanosystems, UK)
Dr Krzysztof Koziol is the co-founder and Executive Director of FGV
Cambridge Nanosystems, involved in the technology development and
responsible for business development and corporate governance of the
Company. He co-shares this role with his academic positions as director of
studies at Pembroke College Cambridge, Head of Electric Carbon
Nanomaterials research and president of The International Society of
Krzysztof graduated with a first class degree in Chemistry and Chemical
Engineering from Silesian University of Technology in Poland in 2001, and
subsequently with a PhD in Materials Science from University of Cambridge.
At the University of Cambridge he held prestigious positions of Oppenheimer
Research Fellow and Royal Society University Research Fellow. He pioneered
new synthesis approach to graphene, carbon nanotubes, design of catalysts
for carbon nanotube formation, chirality control of carbon nanotubes,
fabrication of highly aligned nanocarbon macrostructures, including carbon
nanotube fibres and development of new generation of electric wires based
on carbon nanotubes and graphene. He developed first generation of working
electric machines using carbon nanotube wires, including electric
transformers, motors and generators. Krzysztof is a reviewer for
various international journals and author of more than 130 peer reviewed
scientific articles, 2 book contributions and 16 patents. |
Taavi Madiberk (Skeleton Technologies, Estonia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Graphene Production |
Mr. Madiberk is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Skeleton Technologies. His business development, sales and marketing and company management skills have been instrumental in setting-up and driving growth. He has been the driving force for excellent customer traction, (the company counts as customers European Space Agency and several Tier 1 automotives), business strategy (leveraging the advantage in materials technology to energy storage cells and modules), product development and fundraising from venture capital, private equity and public sources in German, Estonian and EU level. Mr Madiberk brings knowledge from the IT, locomotive and NGO sectors from his experience prior to Skeleton Technologies. Among other Board positions he has served as the youngest ever Chairman of the Supervisory Board in Estonian Railways Ltd (AS Eesti Raudtee) from 2012-2014 the national railway. He also served as a Member of the Supervisory Board of RKAS in 2014, an Estonian state-owned real estate company with over 400 M EUR of assets. |
Abdul Rahman Mohamed (Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)
Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Bin Mohamed has been appointed by the Ministry of Higher Education as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Industry and Community Network of Universiti Sains Malaysia for a term of three years effective from 1st of May 2016.
The former Dean of the School of Chemical Engineering USM and currently the director of “Sciences and Arts Innovation Space” or known as Sains@USM is taking over from Professor Dato’ Dr. Susie See Ching Mey, who held the post since 1 February 2011.
A Top Research Scientist in Malaysia (TRSM) and an expert in Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Air Pollution Monitoring and Control, Fuel Technology and Nanotechnology obtained his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Southern California, USA and later graduated with a master of science (Chem. Eng.) and PhD in the same field from the University of New Hampshire, both in the United States.
Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Mohamed began his career at USM as a lecturer in 1993. He has served as the Director of the Industry Collaboration Centre as well as being among the main academicians heading the Research and Development Division of ‘Collaborative Research in Engineering, Science and Technology’, an initiative which mobilises collaborations with various partners to prepare an ecosystem and to intensify the involvement of the academia with the industry in the country.
He is well-known as a researcher and scientist with more than 80 grants awarded to him internationally, valued more than RM18 million, and having publications with high-impact citations included in the Scopus bibliographic database, in addition to hundreds of research papers in various well-renowned academic journals, along with academic and professional networks from various countries including Japan and France.
There was no doubt of his calibre when he was selected to be one of the seven researchers from USM to receive the Malaysia’s Rising Star Award as a recognition in successfully producing articles with publications cited in the top 1% in the world, in reference to the data from the Web of Science (WoS) Thomas Reuters and Incites. |
Pontus Nordin (Saab AB, Saab Aeronautics, Sweden)
Technical Fellow, Overall Design and Airframe Technologies
Pontus Nordin has more than 35 years of experience from technology development related to materials and processing-, design and manufacturing of composite structures. His current focus is development of aerostructures with multifunctional properties and improved airframe performance through engineered nanocomposite materials. |
Norazira Binti Othman (NanoVerify Sdn Bhd, Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Metrology, Characterization and Standardization |
Master of Engineering (Materials and Technology), University of Malaya, Malaysia.
Bachelor of Science with Honours (Chemical Technology), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia).
Operation Executive (NanoVerify Sdn Bhd):
- Monitoring and ensuring the smoothness of the development activities
- Supporting the Managing Director from time to time
- Identify reference materials for NANOVerify Programme (SOPs and International Standards
- Identify partners and labs for NANOVerify Programme |
Ku Kok Peng (Performance Management & Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), Malaysia)
Ku joined PEMANDU in Aug 2010 as Associate Director, Communications & Investor Relations. Since Aug 2011, he is Director for ETP Investment, working with various investment agencies to coordinate, promote, track and report investment as well as PEMANDU's permanent representative to the Investment Committee co-chaired by the Minister of International Trade & Industry and PEMANDU CEO. In July 2012, he added Palm Oil & Rubber NKEA to his portfolio and assumed the Innovation portfolio in March 2014.
Ku co-authored a Harvard Business School case study on the ETP published in late 2012. In summer 2013, he participated in the International Visitor Leadership Programme by the State Dept of States.
Previously, Ku served FleishmanHillard for seven years and last held the position of Managing Director, Market Development, SEA. He managed the operations the Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Jakarta offices, the latter he was instrumental in starting, and also had the mandate to expand the firm’s regional footprint outside of Singapore. Ku was the Asian recipient of the John D Graham Award for Excellence in 2007 |
Elena Polyakova (Graphene Laboratories Inc., USA)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Applications of Graphene & Related Materials |
Dr. Elena Polyakova, Ph.D founded Graphene Laboratories in 2009 and serves as its President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Polyakova has been Co-Chief Executive Officer of Graphene 3D Labs, Inc. since August 12, 2015 and served as its Chief Operating Officer from August 11, 2014 to August 2015. Dr. Polyakova has been a Member of Advisory Board at Lomiko Metals Inc. since April 30, 2013. She has been a Director of Graphene 3D Labs, Inc. since August 8, 2014. Dr. Polyakova is an invited speaker at many international forums and conferences, and her input on the graphene industry is regularly published by journalists covering business and technology. Dr. Polyakova has won numerous awards for her entrepreneurship, including Mass High Tech's Women to Watch award (2011) and the Hauppauge Industrial Association of Long Islands' Young Entrepreneur award (2012). During Dr. Polyakova's post-doctoral work at Columbia University, her work on graphene was published in many leading peer-reviewed journals, which she co-authored with Nobel and Kalvi prize winners, as well as members of the National Academy of Sciences. She received her Masters' degree in Physics and Applied Mathematics with honors from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Southern California. |
Mark Rozario (Agensi Inovasi Malaysia, Malaysia)
Mark Rozario was Group Managing Director of a Malaysian listed property group, before stepping down to assume his current role at AIM in 2011. He is charged with driving AIM, a government statutory body chaired by the country’s prime minister, to implement a national innovation strategy. AIM was created to jump start wealth creation through knowledge, technology and innovation to stimulate and develop the innovation eco-system in Malaysia by laying down the foundation of innovation to inspire and produce a new generation of innovative entrepreneurs.
Mr. Rozario graduated with a BSc degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. |
Anthony Schiavo (Lux Research Inc., Singapore)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Funding and Infrastructure Support |
Anthony Schiavo is an Analyst based in Lux Research’s Singapore office. Anthony is a member of the Advanced Materials team, where he conducts research on technical and market trends in areas such as advanced ceramics, metamaterials, composites and coatings. Prior to joining Lux Research, Anthony received a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Virginia Tech. While at Virginia Tech, Anthony researched biomaterial composite and nanoparticle technology and ethics. |
Gopi Sekhar (GB Sekhar Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Graphene Production |
Mr. Gopinath B. Sekhar has over 33 years of work experience involved in a wide range of activities from commercial trading, manufacture and processing of palm oil and Rubber to Research and Development in polymers, recycling and sustainable solutions. His production process experience ranges from installation and up-grading capacity to running a wide variety of large production units. The last 15 years with specific involvement in rubber technology, development of processing technologies and application solutions. Having personally developed several new proprietary technologies of commercial significance related to rubber recycling and incorporation of recycled content into value added applications focus of activities have been in Rubber. |
Adisorn Tuantranont (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand)
Invited - Industrial Forum: parallel workshop: Applications |
Dr. Adisorn Tuantranont received B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) in 1995 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering (Photonics and MEMS) from University of Colorado at Boulder in 2001. From 2001-1014, he has been the Lab director of Nanoelectronics and MEMS Laboratory, National Electronic and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) in Thailand. Since 2012, he found and works as Director at Thai Organic and Printed Electronics Innovation Center (TOPIC), NSTDA. His research interests are in the area of Micro/Nano-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS/NEMS), Microfabrication, Advanced Material eg. Graphene, Nanotube, Nanowire, Nanoelectronics, Lab-on-a-chip and Printed Electronics Technology. He authors more than 110 refereed journal papers and 300 international proceeding papers including 1 International PCT patent, 5 granted Thai patents and more than 25 patents holding. He has been awarded Young Technologist Award in 2004 from Foundation for the Promotion of Science and Technology under the Patronage of H. M. the King. Now he is a member of Thai Academy of Science and Technology Foundation and Thailand Research Fund. He also actively works as Executive Advisor at Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (THAIST), National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office, Ministry of Science and Technology of Thailand. He is co-founder of two startup companies, Innophene, graphene conductive ink manufacturer and ThaiKK Tech, smart label manufacturer, in Thailand. He also is founder of Graphene Thailand, the first graphene research community and networking cluster in Thailand. From 2016, he is elected to be General Secretary of Materials Research Society of Thailand (MRS-Thailand). |
Vickneswaran Veloo (Scomi Chemicals, Malaysia)
Vickneswaran Veloo
Chief Technology Officer – Scomi Chemicals Sdn Bhd
Vice President – Fluids & Chemical Systems
Vick has over 19 years of experience in the oil & gas industry. He was previously with Baker Hughes, specializing in drilling and completion fluid systems as well as production chemicals. He also led the Engineering Group for the entire Baker Hughes product lines ranging from drilling system tools to well completion systems in Saudi-Bahrain Geomarket as Associate Technical Engineering Director.
In his current role as Chief Technology Officer for Scomi Chemicals, he is responsible for developing technologies and delivering new products at an international level. He’s also in charge of overseeing the strategic direction for SESB’s fluids and chemical systems in global oil & gas applications.
With an extensive global exposure in technical engineering and support, sales, marketing and strategy, Vick has held various positions with international oilfield services companies like Scomi KMC, Baker Hughes and MI-GULF Services within the Middle East and Asia Pacific region.
Vick holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Malaysian University of Technology and is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He is also a registered practicing engineer with Board of Engineers, Malaysia. |
Archana Venugopal (Texas Instruments, USA)
Archana Venugopal is Technologist in Texas Instruments: Analog Technology Development (ATD) group.
Over the past eight years, she has immersed herself in graphene research at the University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and at Texas Instruments – and she is making quite a name for herself in the research community.
She is interested in the development of two-dimensional materials such as graphene, a material made of carbon atoms that some say is the material of the future for many electronic applications, and hexagonal boron nitride.
Archana is recognized around for her contributions to research in the form of ATD-Kilby Labs projects, her ATD “Breakthrough Ideas” projects and direct-funded university projects related to graphene.
At age 30, Archana has invented or co-invented more than a dozen projects and has filed (or is in the process of filing) 13 patent applications – 12 related to her work on graphene. |
Wan Raihana Wan Aasim (Malaysia Technology Development Corporation (MTDC), Malaysia)
Invited - Parallel Workshop 4: Funding and Infrastructure Support |
Wan Raihana Wan Aasim is an Assistant Vice President at Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC). At MTDC, her role is to conduct assessment and due diligence on technologies to be commercialised under MTDC’s funding programme. During the three years that Wan Raihana has been at MTDC, she has worked closely with researchers, entrepreneurs and government officials and gained extensive experience in technology transfer and commercialisation.
Prior to joining the corporate world, Wan Raihana was a researcher at the BRAINetwork Centre for Neurocognitive Science of Universiti Sains Malaysia. During her time there, she headed a research team that studied the role of brain steroids in memory and learning. Wan Raihana has 10 years experience in Analytical Chemistry and is a Subject Matter Expert in gas chromatography for the American Chemical Society. She is also a certified HRDF trainer, specialising in subjects related to neurocognition and emotional intelligence.
Wan Raihana holds a degree in Chemistry and PhD in Pharmacology from Universiti Sains Malaysia and is currently pursuing an MBA in Technology Management from Open University UK.
Won Jong Yoo (Samsung-SKKU Graphene-2D Center (SSGC), South Korea)
Won Jong Yoo received his BS and MS degrees from Seoul National University in Korea. In 1993, he received his Ph.D. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in USA in the area of the plasma etching properties of Si and SiO2. Before joining Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in 2006, he was an associate professor with National University of Singapore (NUS) where he conducted his research on silicon devices and plasma processes. His main industrial experiences were research and development in the areas of semiconductor material/device processes at Samsung Semiconductor Research Center, Korea and IBM Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, USA. He is currently leading the collaboration research between Samsung and SKKU for developing future graphene devices as the director of Samsung-SKKU Graphene Center. The areas of his current research interests are the electronic and photonic application of 2-dimensional materials including graphene and transition metal dichalcogenides, the fabrication of novel devices using 2-dimensional materials, and the electrical property of memory devices using nano-structures. He has authored or co-authored about 200 journal and conference papers. He is a senior member of IEEE. He is listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World in 2003 onwards. |
Hongwei Zhu (Tsinghua University, China)
Invited - Parallel workshop: Applications of Graphene & Related Materials |
Dr. Zhu is a Professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering, CNMM Researcher, affiliated Faculty of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University. He received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering (1998) and Ph.D. degree in Materials Processing Engineering (2003) at Tsinghua University. After Post Doc. studies in Japan and USA, he began his independent career as a faculty member at Tsinghua University (2008~present). His research involves multi-scale synthesis and assembly, characterizations and applications of nanomaterials. He has authored 2 books and 6 invited book chapters, received 15 CN patents, 1 US patent and published 200+ papers with a H-index of 46. |